The Safest Bet to Give for Christmas

Are you unsure what to give for Christmas? A survey by the United Overseas Bank (UOB) shows that sweet treats may well be the safest bet to give for Christmas.

Results of the survey indicate that the most popular gift among its participants is, well, chocolate, with 61 per cent planning to give the sweet treat as gifts, and 32 per cent wanting to receive it.

Another key finding of this survey, which has 500 respondents (250 men and 250 women),  is a disconnect between what men and women really want and what opposite gender will prefer to give them.

The Safest Bet to Give for Christmas
According to the infographic (see above) by Straits Times, 43 per cent of men would give their female friends toys, and 26 per cent would give them mobile phone accessories. However, 38 per cent of women would prefer chocolates, and another 38 per cent, department store vouchers.

Women also didn’t seem to get what their male friends wish for, with 43 per cent planning to give them toys and 41 per cent, cosmetics. Yet, 29 per cent of men would prefer a new smartphone, 26 per cent wanted chocolates and 20 per cent, a wallet.

Are the findings congruent with your experiences? What is the safest bet for gifts in your country or where you are? Let us know!

Source: The Straits Times