A Digital Revolution or Internet of Silly Things

“Fans of the digital revolution can point to some success that technology has had in democratising finance in parts of South-east Asia, where the majority still have no banking account…

But imaginations for the potential of technology and Big Data must be brought down to reality, with data privacy, infrastructure demands, cost and regulations, being key concerns…

This would add to the growing number of smart home-appliances already available that include fridges, vacuum cleaners, lighting and security systems – a trend known as the “Internet of things“…

Meanwhile, the “Internet of silly things” has created some disillusionment over the real benefits of this digital wave… A quick check on the Internet brings up some such inventions, such as a sensor-packed cup that detects the liquid that a person pours in. Being absent-minded has never been more convenient.”
Source: The Business Times

Internet of silly things

THE Internet of Things (IoT) was once expensive, proprietary and heavy, but now it has evolved into a cheaper, consumer-driven, and portable revolution with technologies such as Google Glass and self-aware tracking gadgets.

However, IoT have proved to be rather silly sometimes, but some may prefer to call it a novelty or gag gift. You can check out some examples in this 2014 Yahoo article.

Unless a gift is meant to be silly or funny, we may prevent sending out “Internet of Silly Things” (IoST) unknowingly, especially those IoST that may intrude privacy, drain electricity, or worse, prove to be useless. Of course, not if your aim is to buy something like this Useless Box Kit that turns itself off.

Have you found or bought any IoST? Do share them with us in the comment box below.

(Source of featured image: https://www.etsy.com/listing/175222880/banana-holder-brown)